Corporate Services Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

A corporate services agreement is a contract between two businesses or individuals that lays out the terms and expectations of the service relationship. This type of document should be used whenever you are providing services to a customer or client and whenever you are the buyer or recipient of services from another entity.

A corporate services agreement is similar to but more important than purchase orders, service level agreements, and purchasing agreements among others.

Master Service Agreement

This type of service agreement outlines what each party is expected to do and which services apply. When you use a Master Service Agreement (MSA), you can speed up the process of developing contracts because you don't have to start over from scratch each time. You may also see an MSA referred to as a service level agreement (SLA).

An MSA reduces the time it takes to negotiate a contract. The parties can focus on the critical elements of the deal, like price and timelines, and then get on with the work. Once you've worked through the completion of your initial MSA, you will know more about what problems to expect in the future. When you draft the next MSA, you can use that knowledge to make improvements. Without an MSA, the parties can still sort through issues that arise, but contracts break down more easily.

An MSA is also useful in long-term agreements. Businesses with relationships that are ongoing over time can use an MSA to avoid renegotiating every time the customer places a new order. The work can go ahead, saving time and money.

MSA templates or cut and paste documents are available and widely used, especially by small businesses. These tools have significant benefits.

Provisions of an MSA or SLA

Common provisions of an MSA or SLA are:

Parties want to be as detailed as possible without becoming overly restrictive while saving resources spent on negotiations.

If you need help with developing a corporate services agreement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.