The goal of the Rohrer College of Business Accounting Mentorship Programs is to provide a mechanism by which students can obtain a better understanding of the challenges and rewards of accounting from those presently working as accounting professionals. This enhanced understanding should help solidify the choice of profession for those students who are interested or potentially interested in these fields. This program helps facilitate mentors and potential alumni to connect or reconnect with the university and serve as a positive role model to our students. This relationship will foster a new perspective for students that cannot be provided by our faculty alone.
Participating in this mentorship is easy, simply follow the steps to Become an Accounting Mentor/Mentee today.
The goal of the Finance Mentorship Program is to develop a process that connects upper level finance students with Rowan alum currently working in the finance field. Finance Mentors can provide a real-world perspective on the finance field that may otherwise not be available to students. After students and mentors register to participate, one to three students will be assigned to each volunteer mentor and matched based on areas of interest and field of expertise within finance. Students and mentors will be expected to work together to determine the best means of communication. The time commitment will vary depending upon the types and lengths of student interactions. A reception will be held to provide an opportunity for face-to-face communications.
Registration opens every fall for the Finance Mentorship, check out the Finance Mentorship Page to register.
The Working Together program continues to promote the positive ongoing relationship between the tax practitioner community and the Internal Revenue Service. The annual meeting, open to both IRS employees and the practitioner community, has become a “mark your calendar” event for many New Jersey tax professionals. The intent is to engage in ongoing, meaningful dialogue aimed at improving our dealings with one another, thereby improving service to our common customer – the taxpayer public.
Offered for over 35 years at Rowan and presented in partnership with the Internal Revenue Service, free tax help is available through the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program. Typically offered from February through April, Rowan University VITA Certified Students meet with community members that qualify for the free program in Business Hall. The VITA program generally offers tax return preparation and e-filing to people who earn $54,000 or less annually. For more information about VITA at Rowan University, and how to sign up for assistance, please click here.
Advisory BoardsThe Accounting Advisory Board and Finance Advisory Board provide an external perspective on curricular development and advise on emerging trends in the practice and development of accounting and finance.