The New York Residential Lease Agreement is a contract that covers the rights and obligations of a tenant that will be renting a NY apartment, condominium, or home. Understanding New York’s rental laws, as well as limits on what landlords can and cannot do, is essential for avoiding conflict and / or legal trouble during the lease term. To start, there is no limited amount to what can be charged for a security deposit, there is no required amount of notice before a landlord can enter a rental (although some sort of notice should be given), and landlords can up the rent without notice (so long as it is at the end of the lease term). For a more detailed picture of leasing in New York, check out the Tenant’s Rights Guide.
Version 1 – OpenDocs
Version 2 – Apartment Lease (Real Estate Board of NY)
Version 3 – Model Lease
Version 4 – Short Form
Maximum Security Deposit: No max established by state law.
Permitted Deposit Deductions: Landlords can make deductions from the security deposit for two (2) reasons:
Returning Security Deposits: No required amount of time set by NY law. However, landlords should make an effort to return them in a reasonable time to avoid confrontation and ill-will.
Rent Increase Notice: No statute; landlords can give tenants a notice of their choosing before raising the rent.
Required Notice before Entry: Not covered in the state’s lease law. The standard notice given by landlords is twenty-four (24) hours.