App Development 101 – Software Requirements Specification

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Every custom software project needs a perfect specification to succeed, just like every construction needs a specification. But it takes a lot of time and patience to write down all the details on the paper. Plus, attention to detail and mindfulness will help a lot.

It must be acknowledged that specifications (Software Requirement Specifications) are even more important if you’re going to outsource software development. This is your guiding document, sacred tablets, and an ultimate protection insignia if any misunderstandings with the development team occur.

Writing down a mobile app specification document is the mandatory step for any software development project. So, why so much fuss over it? But before it, we would like to talk about the pre-development stage and why we won’t start any project without it.

Why should your project pass through the Discovery Phase?

They say that getting started is half the battle, but there is a preparatory stage for launching a project in software development. At this stage, the idea is formed, market research and similar proposals are carried out. This stage is called the discovery phase.

The opening phase is designed to answer critical questions:

Let’s take a quick look at the discovery phase and why it is so important in software development. You can read more about this phase in the article Why is the discovery phase a must for every project?.

Whatever you represent (a startup or a successful company in need of digitalization), based on our experience, you need to dive into the opening phase, even if you think you know everything about your business, future application, and potential users. Also, holistic research and information gathering can help you identify and eliminate all possible risks.

The business discovery phase helps you understand end-users, their needs, and requirements. The technical part of the process leads to a System Requirements Specification (SRS) with the development and app legal requirements information. Let’s talk about it in more detail below.

Depending on the project’s size, the opening phase can last from one week to two months. The business analyst and account manager take the lead in the discovery phase. Sometimes team leaders, developers, or designers may join the work. They help with SRS, wireframe prototypes, or scope.

The Discovery Phase is a crucial pre-development phase and is best left to a team of professionals with years of market research experience. Yes, this service will cost you a little money, but by investing in such research, you are investing in the demand, competitiveness, and overall success of your project in the market.

Mobile App Development Specification Document

Definition of Software Requirements Specification – SRS is a document that contains information about the functions and goals of the future digital solution and its principles of operation. Based on this document, the entire process of developing a software product is built and followed by all participants in the development process; based on it, the design is done, and development is carried out. Checklists are written on its basis (which determines the conditions for accepting the finished product).

Based on SRS, the project manager can separate bugs from additional functionality (which allows expanding the project budget).

Goals of Software Requirements Specifications

The SRS is necessary for all structural units of the development team: Project Management, Software Development, Quality Assurance, Client, and Business Development.

Thus, specification perceives 5 main goals:

What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirements?

The functional requirement is describing the behavior of the system as it relates to the system’s functionality. The non-functional requirement elaborates on a performance characteristic of the system. If you want to know more about the difference between them you can read this article.

Non-functional requirements are sometimes defined in terms of metrics (i.e., something that can be measured about the system) to make them more tangible. Non-functional requirements may also describe aspects of the system that don’t relate to its execution but rather to its evolution over time (e.g., maintainability, extensibility, documentation, etc.).

General Requirements to the App’s Specification

Software requirements specification should be outlined before the software <a href=development process begins." width="980" height="653" />

Software requirements establish the necessary agreements between users (customers) and developers (implementers) about what the system will do and what should not be expected. The document may include procedures for checking the received software for compliance with its requirements (up to the content of test plans). These characteristics determine the quality and methods of its assessment, security issues, and much more. Often the software requirements are written in plain language. At the same time, there are semi-formal and formal methods and approaches used to specify software requirements. In any case, the challenge is to ensure that the software requirements are precise. The relationships between them are transparent. This specification’s content does not allow for discrepancies and interpretations that could lead to creating a software product that does not meet the needs of stakeholders.

The following elements distinguish the right specification:

It should be noted that system design elements should not be included in the requirements documentation. But the Use Cases are often included in the requirements specification and traces to the corresponding models in the form of diagrams. When it comes to writing requirements specifications, keep in mind that specifications do not include the graphical user interface design details, such as button colors and or font appearance. There is prototyping for that.

key SRS document elements

Several mandatory sections must be in any app specification document. Those part form a structure of any specification and ease the navigation across the document: